Saturday, April 25, 2009

Everything that happened in the world - in 23 minutes

CTV's newsloop is too short. I realize that all the news stations loop some portion of their news and I'm OK with that but come on guys. You can't go around the loop every half hour with 3 commercial breaks and expect me to stay tuned to the same station for more than 30 minutes. We want to watch the Canadian news stations to retain some connection to the world at home but after 30 minutes apparently we have seen and heard all they have to say. CBC is out of the question so that puts us back to Fox or CNN.

The broadcasters complain about foreign domination of the airwaves but which is chicken and which is egg? If the product is so bad that people who genuinely WANT to watch a Canadian station can't look at it for more than 30 minutes at a stretch then is it any wonder the American stations succeed and the Canadian ones fail?

1 comment:

Singing Land Cruiser said...

I love a Good rant. I also enjoy our chat. All the Best, M&C