Monday, May 18, 2009

An accident of birth

There are still only a million people in Saskatchewan, give or take a few thousand. A large part of the reason for that is that the majority of those people insist on voting socialist. Its hard to say which is chicken and which is egg - do people leave Saskatchewan because it is a socialist haven or is Saskatchewan doomed to socialism because all the brightest and best keep leaving?

This spring it has become apparent to me that there is another reason why people leave this province. The weather sucks. Sure - we get a couple of nice weeks of weather every summer. The long days in June can be really nice and there's usually a week or so in July where the wind isn't blowing constantly and the ground hasn't completely dried up so most of the country is still more or less green. But by and large the weather here sucks big time and I haven't even touched on the BS that happens here between August and April.

This morning we woke up to frozen water lines after hearing the wind howl steadily all night. At least it wasn't snowing - again. But its the long weekend in May fer chrisake.
So the big painting plans for the house in P.A. are on hold again. We blasted the window sills with the pressure washer on the way through P.A about 3 weeks ago now. So far we haven't had two good days in a row so we haven't got back to paint the frames. Yesterday we got done all the tasks we had to do here. Marilyn loaded the van all by herself while I did the other maintenance and construction tasks that needed to be done. I took the van into town last night to fuel it and nothing moved even when I went offroading to get to Millsap's fuel island. We're still not certain that the van will hang together for the trip to B.C. but it looks like our worldly possessions will stay in place inside of it.

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