Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Who's in charge?

On the one hand Michael Ignatieff's media handling is to be commended. I mean it was obvious the 6 renegade MP's were more afraid of Danny Williams than they were of Michael and were going to vote the regional line rather than the party line. And compared to Steffie Ding Dong's habit of stepping on his own shoelaces at least once a day a leader who can manage the media to any degree appears to be a winner. But who's driving the bus?

There's no doubt on the government side who is in charge. But who is really in charge on the other side? Today its the Atlantic accord and 6 renegade MPs but what happens when Ontario or Quebec wants something? Who's gonna be driving the bus then? Time will tell but Michael failed his first big test and he failed it spectacularly.

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