Sunday, November 30, 2008

Alice in Wonderland

So unless somebody blinks we're gonna have PM Ding Dong, Finance Minister Rae and Minister of Foreign Affairs Duceppe. Didn't we just have an election and return the Conservatives with more seats than they had before and the Libs with (substantially) less?

Steffie was able to sit on his duff through numerous confidence votes for close to three years but now he's all of a sudden discovered his backbone? This has everything to do with losing the public dole to support parties that can't raise their own money and nothing to do with the economy. If I wanted to support Elizabeth May's whacky ideas I'd send her a cheque. If Steffie wants to support her he should do so but he's gonna have serious difficulty going to the electorate after the honeymoon with Smilin' Jack is over. Remember all those times we told you that voting NDP was the same as voting Lib? Well its true!

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