Saturday, February 21, 2009


Sometimes its refreshing to get away from the pablum that passes for news coverage on CTV & CBC. We find we watch CTV to see what is going on in Canada but after about 15 minutes they are into their loop and everything repeats. When we move on it is usually to Fox. We can't stand some of the more rabid personalities like Beck but for the most part Fox is a refreshing breath of free enterprise in a world of increasing entitlement.

Who ever said home ownership was a right? That's really what the current mortgage "crisis" down here is all about. Most of the so-called home owners who need to lose their homes aren't going to end up living on the street. And if they did, despite what CBC would have us believe, there are safety nets down here to catch them. What about all the responsible owners who didn't mortgage their homes to 110% of their value - where are their rights in this mess? What about those who chose to rent first until they could save up a reasonable down payment - who is advocating for them? Why should those responsible citizens now be forced to pay twice for their neighbour's recklessness? If the market isn't allowed to correct and instead is propped up with some Rube Goldberg combination of debt and regulation then they lose the opportunity to buy a home at a real price with real money. At the same time as they are denied that opportunity that they have patiently and prudently waited for they get the obligation to pay for their neighbours' profligacy through taxation and devaluation. Lucky them!

Meanwhile Obi-wan came to Canada to buy a snow ball. If that doesn't confirm what I have been saying about the fool all along then I don't know what does. Collecting trinkets has always been suspect for me but collecting those ridiculous little domes that "snow" when you shake them has to be the most foolish possible choice out of a universe of stupidity. Not only does he collect them - he thought it was an important enough task to staff out to somebody on his Presidential detail. Presidential? I don't think so. I recently heard him compared to Jimmy Carter. Hard as it is to imagine anyone less historically significant than the peanut farmer I think we are witnessing it right now.

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